Linear Interpolation of Plasma/Whole-blood Ratio

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Linear Interpolation of Plasma/Whole-blood Ratio

The sequential steps for converting blood measurements to an input curve are explained in a dedicated section. The current plasma fraction model serves for converting a whole-blood activity curve into a plasma-activity curve.

It is assumed that a curve representing the measured ratio of plasma/whole-blood activity has been loaded with Load Plasma/WB Ratio.


The Lin. Interpolation model interpolates linearly between the measured fraction values. Outside the measured values the following interpolation rules apply:

The fraction at time t=0 is assumed to equal 1.

The fraction is assumed to remain constant after the last measured fraction.

For incomplete fraction data it is therefore recommended to replace the tail of the measurements by a fitted tri-exponential model.


Parameter Fitting

There is nothing to fit with the Lin. Interpolation model.