- 3 -
3D Volume Rendering, Rotating MIP Images
- A -
Adding Iso-Contour Lines to Images
Adding/Removing individual Pixels
Aggregate Export and R Transfer
Aggregate Generation and Saving
Aggregate Inspection and Combination with External Data
Aggregation of Components such as VOIs and Kinetic Parameters
Analysis Scripts for Aggregates
Association of MR and PET Series
Automatic Brain VOIs (PFUS Option)
- B -
- C -
Changing the Image Orientation
Changing the Image Presentation
Combination of License and Database Server
Component Data Loading and Saving
Converting Atlas VOIs to Contour VOIs using Normalize
Converting Atlas VOIs to Contour VOIs using Outline
Creation and Configuration of Databases
- D -
Database Loading - Page 1 (Option)
Defining the Acquisition Timing
Detailed Pipeline Example: Kinetic Modeling with SRTM, Brain VOIs in PET Space
DICOM Query Loader (Auxiliary Server)
Domestic Pig / Minipig Brain Atlas (CH.Malbert)
- E -
Enabling Pre-Processing Operations
Execution of PMOD Pipeline Processing from Script
Export and Backup of Database Contents
- F -
- G -
GM & WM & CSF Probability (PFUS option)
- H -
Hot-keys Based Lesion Segmentation
- I -
Identification of the LDA Function
Image Data Transformations during Loading
Image Display and Basic Processing
Image Fusion - Page 5 (Optional)
Implementation of DICOM Servers on a Dedicated Machine
Implemented VOI-based PVC Variants
Iso-contour Mode (Pseudo-Snake)
- K -
Kinetic Modeling (PKIN Option)
- L -
Linear Mixed Effect Models (LME)
Linear Models: Statistical Analysis of Regional Imaging Data
Loading/Saving with Database Option
Loading/Saving without Database Option
- M -
Management using AlwaysUp Web Service
Mapping of Pixels from Scatter Plots
Masking Inside and Outside of VOIs
Motion Correction (PFUS option)
Mouse Brain Atlas (Ma-Benveniste-Mirrione)
MRI Probability / Inhomogeneity
MRI Skull Stripping (PFUS option)
Multiple DICOM Server Creation
- N -
- O -
- P -
Partial-Volume Correction (PVC)
Patient, Study and SUV-related Information
Peak VOI and Iso-contouring VOI
PERCIST-type Iso-contouring VOI based on Liver VOI
Pipeline Definition User Interface
Pipeline Example: Brain Uptake Statistics, MR Space
PMOD Base Functionality Introduction
PMOD Image Viewing and VOI Tool (PVIEW)
PMOD License Server Installation
PMOD Network Clients Installation and Configuration
PMOD Network License Installation
PMOD Server Processes as Windows Services
PMOD Stand-alone License Installation
Preparation of VOI Atlas Files for PMOD
PVC based on Manual and Brain Template VOIs
PVC of Brain Images based on MRI Segmentation
PVC using Template VOIs based on Individual Masks
PVC using Template VOIs based on Plain VOIs
PVC using Template VOIs based on Standard Masks
- Q -
- R -
R Installation and Configuration
Registration and Normalization
Registration and Normalization (PFUS Option)
Replication from one Database to Another
Reslicing of the Images at Oblique Orientations
rm_ANOVA/MANOVA PMOD-R Implementation
ROI and Contour Level Properties
- S -
Server Administration Interface
Setting up a Transaction Server to Publish a Database
Single-Subject AAL Human Brain Atlas
Sphere with Max Average (Peak VOI)
Sprague-Dawley Rat Brain Atlas (A.Schwarz) & PET/SPECT Templates (Groningen)
Sprague-Dawley Rat Brain Atlas (Schiffer)
Structure of VOI Atlases in PMOD
SUV Value Inspection and Statistics
- T -
Time-Activity Curve Generation with Statistics
Time-Activity Curve Generation with Transfer to PKIN
Transform VOI to RT compatible
Tree Organization of Atlas VOIs
- U -
Use of External Tools for Pipeline Processing
User-Specific Database Preferences
- V -
Validation and Recommendations
Version Upgrade in a Complex PMOD Environment
Viewing and Changing Study Information
VOI Based Partial-Volume Correction (GTM Method)
Volume-of-Interest (VOI) Analysis
Volume-of-Interest Analysis - Page 3
- W -
What happens with received DICOM Images
Wistar Rat Brain Atlas (Tohoku)
- Z -